Author Archive: nickfield
Ushuaia day 1 some photos and video
Early flight to Ushuaia
We woke up at 5am, after going to bed at 2am to hop in a taxi to take us to EZE (Buenos Aires) Airport. Needless to say we were really really really fucking tired, but we made it. Then hopped on a 3.5 hour flight and made it to Ushuaia.
We were on a massive 747 that was totally full. Apparently, there are many flights going to Ushuaia this time of year and they’re all full. The airport is the size of… well, it’s just really fucking small and getting your luggage from the carousel is difficult.
Ushuaia is the world’s southernmost city and is the capital of Tierra Del Fuego. It was about 8 degrees C when we arrived. We hopped into a cab and I went to 3 last minute Antarctica offices. No luck. Not going to Antarctica. I thought I may have to get from the flight directly on a ship, so as a result, I didn’t book accommodation. Well it’s high season. Fortunately, our trusty lonely planet pointed us in the direction of a nice B&B and we’re in a log cabin. That’s after trying to find accommodation for an hour in a pizza shop. The place is called: Cabañas Aves del Sur. It’s really pleasant, but we can only stay one night here as everything else is booked up. We just woke up from a long nap, which kind of sucks, but hopefully by tomorrow we’ll be on a “normal” schedule.
The owner of the BnB suggested for us lots and lots of things to do, so that’ll be cool. I’ll add some more photos soon.

Ushuaia, Argentina
Cuisine, friends and wine in Palermo
Met up with the only people I know in Argentina. Cruz & Angie. We had some dinner in Palermo. They think we should not do Antarctica and stick with Patagonia. Gave us tonnes of tips. The girls worked with World Crawl Miami last year. As they were selling me on Patagonia, we were selling them on Vegas. We downed a couple bolettas de vino and got stoked for our return to Buenos Aires. When we get back we have to go to a futball game. We are off to Ushuaia now.
Uno boletto mas de vino por favor!
To my mom – i see poodles
Hi mom!
So for some reason, everyone in this part of Buenos Aires has poodles. Evelyne and I took only two walks today (because we were jet lagged) and during those walks I saw so many miniature poodles. I saw four. It only occurred to document them as i saw the last one. A friend mentioned they are good apartment dogs, which is logical.
He has my vote.
Day 1 – Jet lagged in Buenos Aires
Woah, that was a far far trip. It’s 2pm here and we just crashed for a few hours. We’re going to go to Ushuaia tomorrow morning. We’ve got one day to mess around the city, if I can get Evelyne out of bed. We’re staying a place called C’Chic hotel. I think the picture below is the actual room I’m in right now. I have made a link if you wanna check it out.
We’re in an area called Palermo. You can read a bit about it here. (Wikipedia).
I’m going to try to get to Antarctica, but fear all the spots will be sold out and it won’t work out. Our “backup plan” is to bounce around Patagonia, so not really too concerned if Antarctica doesn’t work out. This is probably going to be the only Warm day of the trip.
Welcome to Buenos Aires
Okay. Its been a long trek and we were ready to keep going all the way down to Ushuaia but there werent any airline tix available til tomorrow.
We grabbed some cash and are currently on a shuttle bus into town. Were going to stay in Palermo. I booked a bnb with my expedia app. Tomorrow were off to Ushauia at 8am. Boom.